qp Hotels


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qp Hotels terms and conditions include the total estimated price of the stay i.e., room rate and the estimated taxes and charges. The total estimated price of the stay does not include any applicable additional service that could be charged by the hotel. Estimated rates and taxes include applicable local taxes, and government rates as calculated by the hotel. Actual taxes and fees may vary.

Currency conversions are estimates and are provided for comparative purposes only. The final cost of the stay will be charged in the currency agreed with the hotel at the time of booking. Guests must present a valid photo ID and credit card when registering for any additional charges. We reserve the right to modify or cancel a reservation if it appears, in our sole discretion, that the guest has participated in a fraudulent, illegal or inappropriate activity or the reservation contains or proceeds from fraud or error.

The Internet access service via WiFi is a benefit provided by qp Hotels terms and conditions to its users to offer a better experience in its facilities. The access and use of WiFi is governed by these Acceptable Use Policies. The user acknowledges and agrees to comply with these Policies of Use.

Violation of the Policies will result in the suspension or termination of WiFi and other possible consequences, such as attending to denounce or cooperate with the legal authorities and / or third parties involved in the investigation of any action. or illegal act on which there is suspicion and has been carried out through the use of this service. The user acknowledges that WiFi is not a public telecommunications service.

The user agrees to indemnify, and keep qp Hotels free of any type of judicial or administrative complaint, costs and expenses, including attorneys’ fees, derived from the violation of the Policies or rights of third parties. The Policies prohibit the use of WiFi to transmit any material that, intentionally or not, violates any local, national or international law, or any rule promulgated thereunder. I use the WiFi to damage, or try to harm other people, companies or other entities, including any illegal act that is stipulated in the current rule.

Using WiFi to make fraudulent offers to sell or buy products, items or services, or to make any type of financial scam is prohibited. It is essential to present the Andean Migration Card (TAM) and the original passport at Check-In. The IGV charge will be made at check-in. The IGV applies only to domiciled or non-domiciled persons with more than 60 consecutive days in Peru. In case a room is occupied by affectionate or unaffected guests, the IGV will be charged to the entire service.

If you wish to purchase any product or service available through the Service (‘Purchase’), you may be asked to provide certain information relevant to the realization of your Purchase, which may include your credit card number and your expiration date, your billing address and your shipping address. By performing this action, you are representing and guaranteeing that: (i) you have the legal permission to use a credit card or cards or other payment method (s) when making your Purchase; and that (ii) the information you provide is true, correct and complete.

By providing us with such information, you grant us the right to transmit it to third parties for any purpose related to the completion of the Purchase / s. We reserve the right to refuse or cancel your order at any time for different reasons, among others, the availability of a product or service, the existence of errors in the description or price of that product or service or the existence of an error. in your order. We reserve the right to refuse or cancel your order if we suspect fraud or an illegal or unauthorized transaction.

Our offers of products and services available in the Service are constantly updated. The products or services available in our Service may be incorrectly priced, inaccurately described or unavailable; and there is the possibility of delays in updating the information of the Service and our advertising on other websites.

We cannot guarantee or guarantee the accuracy of any information, including prices, product images, specifications, availability and services. We reserve the right to modify or update such information, as well as to correct errors, inaccuracies or omissions, at any time and without prior notice.

Any contest, raffle or promotion (in general, ‘Promotions’) offered through the Service may be subject to a series of standards independent of these Terms. If you participate in any of these Promotions, please review their rules and our Privacy Policy. If the rules of a Promotion conflict with these Terms, the rules corresponding to the Promotion will apply.

Some parts of the Service are billed through subscriptions (‘Subscription / es’). In those cases, you will be billed in advance on a recurring and periodic basis (‘Billing cycle’).

Billing Cycles can be monthly or annual, depending on the type of subscription plan you have selected when you subscribe. At the end of each Billing Cycle, your Subscription will be renewed automatically under the same conditions unless you cancel it or qp Hotels cancel it. You can cancel the renewal of your Subscription either through the management page of your online account, or by contacting the qp Hotels customer service.

To process the payment of your Subscription, the use of a valid payment method is required, including payment by credit card and Paypal. You must provide correct and complete billing information to qp Hotels, such as your full name, address, State, zip code, telephone number and valid payment information.

By providing such payment information, you will be automatically authorizing qp Hotels to bill you for all subscription fees incurred through your account through these payment methods. If automatic billing does not occur for any reason, qp Hotels will issue an electronic invoice stating that you must perform this procedure manually within certain time limits and in which the payment corresponding to that Billing Cycle will be specified.

qp Hotels may, at its discretion and at any time, modify the Subscription fees. Any changes to the Subscription fees will take effect at the end of the current Billing Cycle. qp Hotels will notify you well in advance of any modification to the Subscription fees to give you the opportunity to end your Subscription before such modifications become effective. A continued use of the Service after the entry into force of the modified Subscription fee implies an implicit acceptance of the payment of said amount.

Except as required by law, Subscription fees are non-refundable.

Our Service allows you to publish, link, store, share and, in any case, make certain information, text, graphic material, videos or other material (‘Content’) available. You are responsible for the Content you post on the Service, including its legality, reliability and relevance. By posting Content on the Service, you are granting us the right to use it, modify it, use it and display it publicly, reproduce it and distribute it on and by the Service.

You will retain all rights with respect to the Content you submit, post or display on and by the Service, and will be responsible for protecting those rights. Through this license, you agree to give us the right to make your Content available to other users of the Service, who will have the possibility to use it while subject to Terms.

You ensure that: (i) the Content is yours (is your property) or that you have the right to use it, that you assign us your rights and your authorization in the manner stipulated in these Terms, and that (ii) the publication of your Content in or by the Service does not violate the right to privacy, publicity or authorship, contractual rights or any other rights of other persons.

When you create an account with us, you must provide us with accurate, complete and current information at all times. Otherwise you would be violating these Terms, which could lead to the immediate closure of your account in our Service. You are responsible for safeguarding your password for access to the Service and any of the activities or actions that require it, regardless of whether the password corresponds to our Service or to a service provided by third parties.

Through these terms, you agree not to disclose your password to third parties. If any breach of the security of the site or unauthorized use of your account occurs, you must inform us immediately. The use of a username that contains the name of another person or entity not legally available is prohibited; the use of a name or registered trademark that is subject to rights over which the user is not authorized; or the use of offensive, vulgar or obscene names.

Our policy is based on respect for the intellectual property rights of others. We will respond to any claim related to the publication in the Content Service that involves the violation of copyright or other intellectual property rights (‘Violation’) of any person.

If you are the owner of an intellectual property right or an authorized representative of said owner and believe that your copyrighted work has been copied in violation of the intellectual property in our Service, you must notify us in writing by sending an e-mail to info @ qphotels. com, indicating ‘Copyright infringement’ in the matter and including a detailed description of the alleged violation of rights. You may be asked to be accountable for damages (including costs and attorney fees) for misinterpreting that Content has violated copyright.

The Service and its original contents (excluding the Content provided by users), features and functionalities are and will remain the exclusive property of qp Hotels and the license holders. The Service is protected by intellectual property rights, registered trademark and other rules, both from Spain and foreign countries. Our trademarks and distinctive signs cannot be used in other products or services without first obtaining the express written authorization of qp Hotels.

Our Service may contain links to websites or third-party services that are not controlled or owned by qp Hotels. qp Hotels does not assume any responsibility or enjoy any control over the content, privacy policies or practices of any web page or service dependent on third parties.

Through these terms, you are accepting and acknowledging that qp Hotels should not be liable, directly or indirectly, for any damage or loss caused or allegedly caused by or in relation to the use or trust placed in such content, goods or services available through these websites or services. We strongly recommend that you read the terms and conditions and privacy policies of any third-party service or website you visit.

There is a possibility that we may decide to close or suspend your account immediately and for any reason (including for violating qp Hotels Terms and Conditions), without prior notification and without assuming any liability. After closing, your right to access the Service will be immediately suspended. If you wish to close your account, you can simply stop using the Service.

Neither qp Hotels nor its managers, employees, partners, agents, distributors or affiliates will be liable, under any circumstances, for any indirect, accidental, special, causal or punitive damages, including the loss of benefits, information, utility, benevolence and other intangible losses that have occurred.

Due to (i) your access, use or inability to access or use the Service; (ii) any behavior or content contributed by a third party to the Service; (iii) any content obtained from the Service; and (iv) unauthorized access, use or modification of its broadcasts or contents, even if they are supported by a guarantee, contract, tort (negligence included) or any other legal theory, and regardless of whether or not they have been informed of the possibility of such damages occurring, even if it is demonstrated that the remedies provided here before have not achieved their main objective.

Your use of the Service is at your own risk. The Service is provided as it is / is available, and without warranties of any kind, whether express or implied, and including, among others, the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, non-violation or course of performance.

qp Hotels, its affiliates, affiliates and licensors do not guarantee that a) the Service will operate continuously and securely, or that it will be available at any time and from any location; b) that their errors or defects will be corrected; c) that the Service is free of viruses or other harmful components; or that d) the results of using the Service will meet your expectations.

These Terms must be interpreted according to the laws of Peru, without taking into account the conflict with their legal provisions. Our inability to enforce any right or provision present in these Terms will not be considered an exemption from those rights. If any provision of these Terms is invalidated or cannot be executed by a court, the remaining provisions of these Terms will remain in effect. These Terms constitute the entire agreement in relation to the Service we offer, and therefore replace any prior agreement in relation to the Service.

We reserve the right to modify or replace these Terms at any time and at our own discretion. If a material review occurs, we will make a reasonable effort to notify at least 30 days before the new terms come into effect. We will determine what constitutes a material modification according to our criteria. By continuing to access or use our Service after those changes take effect, you are agreeing to comply with the revised terms. If you do not agree with the new qp hotels terms and conditions, both partially and totally, please stop using the website and the Service.

If you have any questions about these Terms, please contact us at info@qphotels.com.

Last updated on: September 06, 2017

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More Reasons to Book with us

Experience the comforts of a home away from home at our extended-stay hotel. Our suites are designed to provide space with a kitchenette, a living area, and complimentary high-speed internet. Whether you’re traveling for business or leisure, our accommodations are perfect for stays.